Thursday, July 4, 2013

Days to Weeks to Months

We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not figures on a dial. ~ Philip James Bailey

Today our little man turns one month old. As any doctor knows, the first 28 days of life are tense ones. If your baby gets sick, they can get VERY sick. We were happy to make it out of that window! Those 28 days, or 4 weeks, were tense ones for us. Now, though, on this Independence Day, we can start counting in months! Matty, with his nutty expressions, is raring to go. 

As far as my journey, I've had some interesting revelations. I rode my bike for the first time at 4 weeks post c-section. Oddly, it hurt my incision and the area less than walking. So, I'll keep progressing, albeit slowly to avoid any undue stress on healing tissue. Another thing, when I rode, I didn't care that I was slow. I may never care again that my speed on the bike is less than this person or that person, or this time goal. I may never care again that my run pace doesn't allow me to stand on a podium. Or, like my coach tells me, I may throw out all of my preconceived notions regarding what I think I am capable of, and just train. 

Being consistent with workouts, getting as much rest as I can, and eating well - those are the keys to creating the life, body and home I want. And this month has been such a beautiful one. So much of my dream is already there. I can't wait to keep building. Today, tomorrow, next month...

Time is a created thing. To say "I don't have time" is to say "I don't want to." ~ Lao Tzu