Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quiet Strength

Much like how I am on Twitter, this blog isn't advertised much. It's hidden. It was born of a need to express some feelings, to build strength toward this Ironman in a few short weeks. This weekend is the Galveston 70.3 (half iron distance), which will be a practice for fueling and pacing for Ironman. It'll be really fun. Last year it was a great race and things are infinitely better this year!!! Oh, I am feeling a bit "carby" these days, though, so it's taking some dietary restructuring to clean myself up a bit.

Thanks for sharing my journey. May I help you along yours as well :-)

The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place. ~ Barbara DeAngelis 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


To be honest, I'd forgotten I had this blog; found it when I sat down to start another one, for an endeavor suggested to me by someone I care about a great deal, who knows my passion. I started this blog while I was training for Ironman Arizona last November (which was a fabulous success, by the way), and the last post was 6 months ago. A lot has changed in the last 6 months. A lot has been built in a relatively short time, including our home :-)

Currently, I train for the inaugural Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas to be held 2 months from now a mere 5k from home. My goal is to make it my most fun Ironman yet! That includes the training - although it is hard, it is not meant to be miserable. Well, maybe it is, lol, but I refuse to let it. For example, my 11 mile run today was a bit short of my intended distance, but it was a fantastic time! That is worth it. Plus, I felt like I could go for much longer.

And now I get to walk our goofy dog!

I love to use quotes, to stand on the shoulders of giants, as it were, as we build a great life. There are so many good things coming down the pike... Here is your inspiration for today:

Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. ~ Julia Child