Monday, January 2, 2012

Confessions of a Midnight Runner

Your present circumstances don't determine where you go; they merely determine where you start. ~ Nido Qubein

Perhaps this post should be entitled "confessions of a midnight writer". "Today" is January 1st, 2012. Technically after midnight, but I was on a night shift last night, so to me, it's still the day. THE DAY. The day of new beginnings, that just happen to be better than any other beginning I've had. I ran 18 miles today. Sunday always seems like a good day to do a long run, however I usually have trouble after coming off night shifts. But today, I slept a lot, woke up rested, and ran. Stopped in the middle for fueling and social time :-) but otherwise had a not-so-fast long run. My legs ached around mile 15, but it subsided with fueling, and I finished up fine. I wore a lot of lighted gear, with new batteries, and wasn't afraid a bit, even though 14 miles was in the dark. I am quite happy with the decision to run today, and the run itself. 

This blog isn't so much of an inspiration for others, but more of an outlet and perhaps to inspire myself. To write. To throw words out there. I don't know, maybe someone will catch it and say "wow, that's just what I needed to get off the couch" or the ledge, or some such thing. 

Here is to an amazing day, and an amazing start to 2012!